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..<< = Jual Lahan = >>..

Monday 19 April 2010

Investor Batu Bara - stream coal

Do you want to become investor ?

Apakah anda ingin membeli lahan
atau sebagai investor

The Procedure : ( source 1 ) as Royalty payment
1. You produce LOI - Descript buyer bank detail
2. You produce MOU
3. You come to our / ( friend ) office in kalimantan
4. Visit and survey source / mine
6. Sign agreement and Pay US Negotiable
6. Agree / not / disappointed the money will give back
7. You/ Investor pay the rest ( US $ xx )
this payment is for royalty ( cost )

Pay ment system = yearly planing production
Pay for royalty Kcal 6100 US $ 5
Production permonth x US $ 5
( example : 50.000 mt x US $ 5 = US $ 250.000 )
royalty for Kcal 6700
Pay for royalty Kcal 6100 US $ 7
Production permonth x US $ 7

8. All important document will be make and produce by our help
( we have good access for it / every thing )
9. You can mine / produce all by yourself
10. you will have big authority to sell and everything

The Procedure : ( source 2 ) / as investor
( the production is already running well )
1. You produce LOI - Descript buyer bank detail
2. You produce MOU
3. You come to our / ( friend ) office in kalimantan
4. Visit and survey source / mine
5. Sign agreement and Pay US $ Negotiable
6. Agree / not / disappointed the money will give back
7. You/ Investor pay the rest at least ( negotiable amount )
this money is for Invest not for cost( royalty )
8. You don't need any document
9. So you do as INVESTOR
10. We have already some buyer
11. and you also can take the steam coal from you buyer/ yourself
12. You will get profit sharing Negotiable

62 813.1401.3305 / 62 817.910.8005
62 815.1151.4343
jkt - kalsel - kaltim


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