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..<< = Jual Lahan = >>..

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Lahan: Take Offer(TO) and JO (Join Operation)

Title: Take Offer(TO) and JO (Join Operation)

Catagory: Join Operation

Description: Minyak Cepu
Lokasi: Jawa Timur

Lahan Irone sand
1. lokasi lampung ada 2 kp
2. lokasi cianjur ada 1 kp
3. lokasi tasikmalaya ada 1 kp
4. lokasi temanggung jawa tengah ada 1 kp
5. lokasi cilacap ada 1 KP
6. Lokasi blitar ada 1 kp / lumajang ada 2 KP jawa timur
7. lokasi NTB ada 1 lokasi

Company Name: Coal
District: Kukar
Sub: LOA Kulu
Minerals: COAL
Calories: 6815
Total Sulphur: 1.86
Land Area: 9.957Ha
KP current conditions: transport permit SELL
Antecedent systems offer: T O PRICE M 85
Deposite: An estimated 2.6 million MT/ 300Ha
Facilities: - stockpile 10Ha
: - Hauling 25 KM Road
: - Port ( Jety) jet stream with a pontoon 300 feet.
Other: Other full letter is original.

Coal 2
Area WR: 5000Ha ( 603.4 ha already Transport Selling Production Permit
Legality: IUP / production operations in May 2009-May 2033
Location: East Kalimantan
Deposit: - 45.000.000MT
Caloric: Bervariasi53-60 ups
Distance Houling: - 28Km
Facilities: Stock Pile Jetty 7 Hectares
Barge Capacity Building: 300 Feet
Distance To Transport Barge Vessel: _ 18 hours
Take Offer / JO: Rp. Rp.80.000 ( Price Includes Comdev.Pembebasan Land)

BARA First Stone
Licensing: Exploration No.545/ 15/ KP/ D.PE September 22, 2008, Exploitation Permit held since April of Trial Mining and permit the transport & Coal Marketing
Location: South Kalimantan
Coordinates: Complete, attached
KP Area Status: Clean, non-overlapping with other KP area locations
Area: 9100 ha
Deposit: > 15 million MT

Coal II
Licensing: Exploration No.545/ 17/ KP/ D.PE September 22, 2008, Exploitation Permit held since April 2010, Permit Penambanagan trial, other permits related to the management of KP.
Location: South Kalimantan
Location Coordinates: Complete, attached
KP Area Status: Clean, non-overlapping with other KP area locations
Area: 1187 ha
Deposit: > 5 million MT

Coal III
Licensing: Exploration No.545/ 16/ KP/ D.PE September 22, 2008, Exploitation Permit held since April 2010, Permit Penambanagan trial, other permits related to the management of KP.
Location: South Kalimantan
Location Coordinates: Complete, attached
KP Area Status: Clean, non-overlapping with other KP area locations
Area: 7774 ha
Deposit: > 15juta MT

IV Coal
Licensing: Exploration No.545/ 16/ KP/ D.PE September 22, 2008, Exploitation Permit held since April 2010, Permit Penambanagan trial, other permits related to the management of KP.
Location: South Kalimantan
Location Coordinates: Complete, attached
KP Area Status: Clean, non-overlapping with other KP area locations
Area: 8130 ha
Deposit: > 15juta MT

1.Perijinan: KP Ownership Permit for Exploration, Exploitation Permit and other permits
The fourth broad 2.Total WR: 26, 191 Ha. Condition the area clean / no overlap
3.Deposit> 50 million MT pantauandata satellite estimates and to obtain assurance deposit, need dilakuakan joint drilling done 4 KP
4.Keempat KP.imiliki by a single owner of premises only a power jula, making it easier to meet and accelerate decision-making
5.Lokasi kempat KP: close together, may constitute one wilyah KP.saja
6.Take Over in one package, addressed LOI PT.Erlijanti ( I.II.III, IV)

Irone Ore
Location : Enu, Kec. Sindue, Donggala
Area : 3.780 Ha
Deep : 4 – 10 M
Deposit : 500.000 M Ton
Product Capacity : 360.000 M Ton / Year

Lahan Biji besi 1 disulawesi
jarak tambang ke jetty + - 5 km
kadar fe 65.23 s/ d 67
a1203 = 0.11%
Ti02 = 11%
p = 0.17%
Sio2 = 1.41 %
sulfur 0.01 %
Royalti $ 9 usd
Data komplit

Lahan Biji besi 2 di Sulawesi
jarak tambang ke jetty + - 40 km
kecuali membuat pelabuhan sendiri bisa 15 km
kadar fe 65.23 s/ d 67
a1203 = 0.11%
Ti02 = 11%
p = 0.17%
Sio2 = 1.41 %
sulfur 0.01 %
deposit 100 juta MT
Fotton 300 FIT
Data Komplit

Lahan Mangan saya di beri kuasa jual lahan
kadar MN 47.59
lab cina 57.72
pernah keluar bak sampling 32500 MT ke cina
TO 9 M
Fotton 300 FIT

Lahan TAKE OVER Tambang biji besi di Sumatra Selatan
- Location : Sumatra Selatan
- Aspect legalities : - SKIP Legality : On
- K.P Explorasi : On
- K.P Explotation : Estimate time
- K.P Penjualan & Pengangkutan : Estimate time
- Luas : 1.284 Ha total luas lahan 15.747 Ha
Total FE : 61.60 % , 63.21 % , 64.40% , 65.80 %
Data lengkap

Take Offer ( TO) Kelapa Sawit luas 99.000 ha ada ( di Jambi dan Riau)
Info Lahan Sawit :

- Luas 2200 Ha di RIAU

- Surat HGU ( sdh berumur 30 tahun )

- Harga Rp. 70 juta / Ha

- Sudah ada Kelapa Sawit nya

Tambang Emas
1. Lokasi : Kutai, Kalimantan Timur.
2. Luas : 39.230 Ha.
3. Deposit : 72.408.400 Gram.
4. Legalitas : Lengkap.
5. Kadar : 97%
6. Harga : USD 20.000.000.

Contak Person: bagir

Phone: +6281904093730

Address: kalimantan

Email : bagir_jufrie@yahoo.com or bagir2010@gmail.com

Photo jpg: Lahan Batu bara.jpg

Code LH:


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